Round Track
Western's 600-lb. capacity round track will provide years of smooth, easy gliding operation. The self-cleaning design and corrosive resistant 14 gauge galvanized construction features are available in track slotted with a full keyway (#3 track), in track with brackets attached at the factory for top mounting (#3A), and in track with factory-attached brackets for face-mounting (#3B). Slots/brackets are positioned 12" from end, 24" on center, on track sections in your choice of the following lengths for all three track products: 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 20' 24'. In addition to offering tract sections with factory mounted brackets, Western has engineered the keyway slots in its track with two-way movement options, allowing for easy "knock-on" application in the field. Knock all brackets in the same direction (left or right) until the last bracket, where the direction is reversed to make a positive lock.
#3 Slotted
Brackets sold seperately for single and double track runs.
Available lengths:8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 20' 24'

#3A Track
Brackets attached at the factory.
Available lengths:8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 20' 24'

#3B Track
Brackets atteched at the factory.
Available lengths:8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 20' 24'